Have you been called to give specific platelets?

When you are the perfect match for a patient, we ask you to give platelets.

Quick response is important

Because there are many different HLA-blood types, the chances that a patient needs your specific platelets is small. When this is the case, it is very important for the patient to receive your platelets as soon as possible.


Because of the special technic used for platelet donation you can only donate platelets at our larger venues.

Platelet donation has four steps

1. A vein is cannulated in one arm. Your blood is collected in a machine using a sterile, disposable system.
2. This machine separates the blood into cells and plasma with a part of your platelets.
3. The plasma with the platelets is collected and stored.
4. The blood cells are returned to your body via the system.

Complications are rare

Complications during platelet donation are rare. Your blood does not come into contact with the machine during donation. It is impossible for it to come into contact with the blood of another donor.

In order to prevent your blood from clotting during platelet donation, a substance is added. This substance is harmless, and is broken down by your body. You may occasionally feel tingling near your mouth or slight cramps in your hands because of it. A donation assistant can quickly resolve this by setting the machine a little slower.

The risk of bruising near the cannulation site is slightly greater for platelet donation than for blood donation because the blood cells are returned.