Do I have access to my own personal data?

Yes. If you want to find out whether Sanquin has your personal data, and if so, which data, you can submit a request for access. Sanquin will ensure that you can access your data within one month after submitting your request.

Of course, you will only be able to access your own data and nobody else's data. You will also not receive access to data pertaining to the hospital or the patient who received your blood, for example. If you would like it, you can obtain a copy of your data.

If we have reason to believe that accessing your medical data may lead to incorrect interpretation or major concern, Sanquin may suggest that you view your data in the presence of a doctor.

If you would like to come and view your data, two rules apply:
• you must make an appointment with Sanquin in advance (if you request access in writing or verbally);
• you must provide proof of identity with a valid identity document (passport, driving licence or ID card).

Would you like to correct or destroy your personal data?

If you think that your data is inaccurate or has been processed incorrectly, you can submit a request to change your data. You may also ask us to destroy your personal data. You must do this in writing and you must state the reasons for your request.

Your personal data is only destroyed in certain cases as prescribed by law. This may include cases in which your personal data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was originally collected, and cases in which the data was unlawfully processed.

If we agree to your request, Sanquin will destroy the data or amend it so that it is no longer traceable back to you. Sanquin will inform you about this in writing.

Can I transfer my personal data to another organisation?

The right to data portability only applies if you have supplied your personal data to Sanquin based on permission or an agreement, and the processing of this data is performed automatically. On request and if technically possible, your personal data is transferred by us directly to another controller. However, most processes are carried out manually, such as completing a screening sample form when donating blood.

Can I restrict or lodge an objection against the use of personal data?

As a donor, you can lodge an objection against the use of personal data if Sanquin processes your data on the basis of 'legitimate interest'. This may include issuing a Sanquin donor card to new donors and sending the online donor relation magazine, Gul.

Sanquin will then stop using your personal data for this purpose, unless Sanquin has mandatory legitimate grounds for the use of the data, such as maintaining the blood supply.

As a donor, you can also restrict the use of your data for a certain purpose, which involves suspending the processing of your data for a certain period of time. Circumstances that may give cause for you to exercise this right include if:
• you dispute the accuracy of the data;
• the processing is unlawful and you do not want the data to be destroyed;
• you have lodged an objection and are awaiting a response from Sanquin.